On Air: Clarifying ESP8266 OTA

On Air: Clarifying ESP8266 OTA

So those ESP8266 are awesome but I never quite figured out how to get the over the air (OTA) updating to work due to the lack of guides on how to do it. The SDK supports it and there is some decent information available on the Espressif forums, but it lacked an easy oversight on …

Anodizing Choices

Anodizing Choices

For our LightSaga project we recently met up with Mr. Baas from Aldor BV, a company dedicated to anodizing and chromating aluminum. It’s amazing how many options and choices there are when it comes to anodizing aluminum, both in pre processing the material, the color selection and the finish. But what does anodizing do in the first …

The OSH Park Experience

For the LightSaga project we have designed some custom boards that will house the Photons, light sensor, some capacitors for stability and a logic level converter. Nothing too fancy but a good chance to let these prototypes be produced by OSH Park, well known for their purple PCBs. One of the really awesome features of …

Brightness, Analog > Digital

Brightness, Analog > Digital

One of the annoyances with my led clock has been that it is too bright during the evening. But, that can be easily solved by adding some kind of brightness control… This is the tale of that feature. So, brightness control. There’s an awesome digital light sensor that can give you resolutions up to 16 bits …